Môn tiếng Anh: Sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ




 Trong Tiếng Anh động từ phải phù hợp với chủ ngữ của nó. Cụ thể:


•    Chñ ng÷  sè Ýt (He, She, It ,The boy, The camel ,…) ®éng tõ chia sè Ýt .

Ex: The car was new.

•    Chñ  ng÷ sè nhiÒu: ®éng tõ chia sè nhiÒu . 

Ex: The books were on the top shelf.

Ex: These women wash their clothes everyday.


 Nhưng chủ ngữ trong Tiếng Anh không phải lúc nào cũng dễ xác định theo số ít hoặc số nhiều vì vậy khi xác định chủ ngữ ta cần Lưu ý các trường hợp sau:          


1.  Chủ ngữ là một danh động từ, động từ nguyên thể hay một mệnh đề: động từ chia theo ngôi thứ 3 số ít.

            Ex: Walking in the rain is not a good idea.       

Ex: To learn a foreign language is necessary.

Ex: That you get high grades in the school is very important.


2.  Chủ ngữ là một nhóm từ  thì phải tìm từ chính và chia động từ phù hợp với từ đó

Ex:      A list of new books has been posted in the library.

Ex: The shops along the mall are rather small.


3 . S1 + of/ as well as/  with/ together with/ in addition to/ along with/ accompanied by/ no less than +S2 =>§éng tõ hoµ hîp víi S1.

Ex: The professor together with his three students has been called to court.

Ex: The mayor as well as his councilmen refuses to endorse the bill.

Ex: The students along with their form teacher were at the beach yesterday.


4 .Chñ ng÷ lµ ®¹i tõ bÊt ®Þnh: one, everyone, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, everybody, anything, something, nothing, everything =>§éng tõ chia sè Ýt

Ex: Nobody is at home now. 

Ex:  Is there anybody here?  

Ex: Everything has been all right so far.


5. Chñ ng÷ kÐp:


a•  S1+AND +S2 +=> §éng tõ chia theo ch ng sè nhiÒu.  

Ex: England,  Scotland  and Wales  form  Great Britain.

Ex: EJohn and I are cousins.

            Ex: The headmaster and the teacher are talking.


*But: The secretary and accountant hasn't come yet. (Một người làm hai nhiệm vụ)

             The great doctor and 'discoverer is no more.

       Whisky and soda has always been his favourite drink.

( trong trường hợp 2 danh từ nối với nhau bằng AND nhưng chúng cùng chỉ 1 người, 1 bộ hoặc 1 món ăn. Đối với trường hợp cùng chỉ 1 người thì dấu hiệu nhận biết là danh từ thứ 2 không có THE, còn với bộ hoặc món ăn thì tùy vào ý của người nói).

Ex : - Fish and chips is a popular meal in Britain.

Ex - Fish and chips make a good meal (If we think of the items as "separate", we use plural verb)


NOTE: "Each" or "every" preceding singular subjects joined by "and" takes a singular verb,

Ex : Each boy and each girl is to work independently.


bS1+ OR +S2 =>§éng tõ hoµ hîp víi S2:

Ex: Has your mother or father given you permission to use the  car?


cEither+S1+ or + S2     à V hoµ hîp víi S2 :

    Neither+ S1+Nor +S2à                                                                                                                    

           Ex: Neither the students nor their teacher regrets the approach of summer


•. EACH/EVERY/EITHER/NEITHER  + singular noun                          + singular verb

                                                          of + plural noun / pronoun                                                                                                              


•.  ALL / BOTH / FEW /A FEW/ MANY / SEVERAL / SOME + plural noun   à  PLURAL VERB

                                                                                                         of + plural noun / pronoun


 •.  ALL/ SOME /LITTLE/A LITTLE   +Non count noun        à singular verb

                                                                   of+ Non count noun


6. Chñ ng÷ lµ danh tõ tËp hîp dïng nh­ 1 ®¬n vÞ   =>V chia theo S  số ít ( GROUP / JURY/ ARMY / FAMILY / CLASS /COMMITTEE / TEAM /ENEMY/ COUNCIL...)


Ex: The football team practises every day.               

Ex: The herd of elk is in the meadow       

            Ex: The family arrives together at 8.00.


*Danh tõ tËp hîp chØ tõng thµnh viªn =>V chia theo S s nhiu.    

Ex: The football team buy their own uniforms .

Ex: John has just arrived and now the family are all here.


 *C¸c danh tõ nh­:  the police, the military, the people, cattle, poultry, clergy,     =>  V chia theo S s nhiu. 

Ex: The police are questioning him.


***. Danh từ tập hợp được hình thành bởi  by "the + adjective" => V chia theo S số nhiều.

            Ex: The sick need medical care and tenderness.

           Ex: The American people don't trust  the news


****. Danh t tp hp như FURNITURE / LUGGAGE / INFORMATION / KNOWLEDGE / TRAFFIC / EQUIPMENT / SCENERY / MACHINERY... (không bao giờ có _S với những danh từ này) => V chia theo S số ít.

      Ex: The furniture was more expensive than I thought.

 Ex: Traffic is heavy .

      Ex: The traffic has increased rapidly in the downtown areas.


7. Chñ ng÷ lµ nhãm tõ chØ sè l­îng  (kho¶ng thêi gian, ®o l­êng, träng l­îng, thÓ tÝch sè tiÒn...)=>V chia theo S s ít.

Ex: Twenty-two inches is a tiny waist measurement.      

Ex: Fifty dollars seems a reasonable price


*Ph©n sè / phn trăm+N(sè Ýt )=> V chia theo S sè Ýt.     Ex: A quarter of the cake is gone.                                                                   

                 + N( sè nhiÒu) => Vchia theo S sè nhiÒu.          Ex: Half of the tables are occupied.


*The majority of+N(sè Ýt) => V chia theo S sè Ýt.    

                             +N(sè nhiÒu) => Vchia theo S sè nhiÒu.         

Ex: The majority of the customers are happy.


 8. Tiªu ®Ò s¸ch b¸o, tªn c¬ quan, tæ chøc ®oµn thÓ, quèc gia, dï viÕt ë sè nhiÒu=> ®éng tõ chia theo S sè Ýt.        

Ex: Chaucer's  Canterbury Tales  includes  many humorous characterizations.

Ex: The Malay States is now part of the Federation of Malaysia.


9. C¸c danh tõ chØ bÖnh tËt, m«n häc, m«n thÓ thao, tªn n­íc, thñ ®«: news, means, series, billiards, mathematics, species, measles, mumps, rickets, mathematics, economics, , linguistics, physics, phonetics, athletics, politics, statistics, Algiers, Athens, Brussels, Marseilles, Naples, the Philippines, the United Nations, the United States, Wales.........)  => ®éng tõ chia theo S sè Ýt.    


           Ex: The morning news is on at 6 o'clock.

Ex: Measles is sometimes serious.


10. Nh÷ng danh tõ sau ®©y lu«n ®i sè nhiÒu (glasses, scissors (keo), pants, shorts, jeans, tongs (cai kep), pliers (kim), tweezers (nhip), eye-glasses, ear-rings......) à §éng tõ chia theo S sè nhiÒu.

Ex: My trousers are torn    .                   

Ex: These scissors are dull.


But:- A pair of glasses costs quite a lot these days.

       - This pair of scissors is  sharp.


11. THE NUMBER OF +N(sè nhiÒu)=> ®éng tõ chia theo S sè Ýt.         

Ex: The number of road accidents is increasing.


12. A NUMBER OF +N (sè nhiÒu) => ®éng tõ chia theo S sè nhiu.     

Ex: A number of spectators were injured


13. No + singular noun + singular verb :                 Ex: No example is right in this case.

plural noun   + plural verb   :                   Ex: No examples are right in this case.


14. None of the + non-count noun    + -singular verb

plural noun        + plural verb            Ex: - None of the  counterfeit money has been found.

                                                                                      Ex: - None of the students have finished the exam yet.


15. It + be + noun / pronoun (in the subject form)     

Ex - It is they who provide the modem medical aids.                             

Ex- Go and tell them it  is I who did it.


16. There + be + noun:  ( động từ phụ thuộc vào danh từ).                                            

Ex: There have not been many large-scale epidemics lately.



A. Choose the best answers to the following questions.

1. The Vietnamese people ----------- a heroic people.

      A. is           B. are               C. was             D. were

2. Miss White------------ her parents is going to pay a visit to the Great Wall.

      A. and       B both             C. as well as    D. or

3. The Vietnamese ----------hard-working and brave.

      A. is           B. are               C. be                D. being

4. A good deal of money ------------- spent on the books.

      A. have      B. has              C. have been   D. has been

5. The manager or his secretary ------------ to give you an interview.

      A. is           B. are               C. were            D. have

6. Mary is one of the girls who-------------often late for school.

      A. is           B. are               C. comes         D. get

7. Two hours -------------- not long enough for this rest.

      A. have      B. has              C. is                 D. are

8. Ninety percent of the work -------------- been done.

      A. is           B. are               C. has              D. have

9. Those who ----------------- to go with me, please raise your hand.

      A. want     B. wants          C. wanting      D. are wanting

10. Salt and water ------------ to wash the wound

      A. is used  B. are used      C. was used     D. were used

11. The news ------------- bad last night.

      A. were     B. was             C. has              D. has been

12. Three-fifths of the police-------------in the school near the town.

      A. has trained                    B. have trained            C. has been trained     D. have been trained  

13. ------------ not only you but also he going to Japan?

      A. Are       B. Is                 C. Were           D. Was

14. All the books on the shelf ----------------to me.

      A. belong  B. belongs       C. belonging   D. is belonging

15. The trousers you bought for me ------------ me.

      A. don’t fit B. doesn’t fit   C. fits              D. fit not

16. Mumps _________  usually caught by children.

      A. are        B. was             C. is                 D. were

17. The United States _________ between Canada and Mexico.

      A. lying     B. lies              C. lain              D. lie

18. Physics_________ us understand the natural laws.

      A. helps     B. help             C. have helped D. helped

19. The police _________ the robber.

      A. were arrested                B. has arrested C. have arrested          D. was arresting

20. The cattle __________ in the field.

      A. is grazingB. grazes       C. has grazed  D. are grazing

21. Either you or he ____________ wrong.

      A. are        B. were            C. have been   D. is

22. John as well as Mary __________ very kind.

      A. were     B. are               C. is                 D. have been

23. The doctor with the nurses ___________ exhausted after the operation.

      A. were     B. was             C. have been   D. are being

24. Five miles ___________ not very far.

      A. is           B. are               C. were            D. have been

25. ____________ ten years too long?

      A. Are       B. Is                C. Are being    D. Were

26. Neither his parents nor his teacher ____________ satisfied with his result.

      A. are beingB. were          C. is                 D. are

27. Each boy and each girl ___________ a book.

      A. are havingB. have had C. have            D. has

28. Writing a lot of letters ___________ her tired.

      A. makes                           B. make           C. have made              D. are making

29. ___________ everybody ready to start now?

      A. Are being                     B. Is being       C. Is    D. Are

30. None of the butter in the fridge ____________ good.

      A. is being B. is                 C. have been   D. are

31. None of the students ___________ the test yet.

      A. have finished                B. has finished C. finished                  D. is finishing

32. A pair of shoes ____________ under the bed.

      A. have been                     B. are               C. are being                 D. is

33. 200 tons of water ___________ last month.

      A. was used                       B. had been used         C. were used   D. is used

34. In the hotel, the bread and butter _____________ for breakfast.

      A. is served                       B. are served   C. serves          D. serve

35. ___________ were nice to me when I was in England.

      A. The Brown’s                B. Brown’s      C. The Browns            D. Browns

B. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct.

36. Neither  his parents nor  his teacher are  satisfied with  his result when he was at high school.

37. Daisy was the only one of those girls that get the scholarship.

38. Working provide people with personal satisfaction as well as money.

39. Either the doctor or the nurses takes care of changing the patients’


40. Every student who majors in English are ready to participate in the

oratorical contest.

41. One hundreds eight thousand miles is the speed of light.

42. The guest of honour, along with his wife and children, were sitting at the first table when we had a party yesterday.                         

43. The audience was enjoying every minute of the performance.

44. All the books on the top shelf belongs to me.

45. Five thousand pounds were stolen from the bank.

46. Happiness and success depends on yourself.

47. The loss of her husband and two of her sons were too much for her.

48. David and his brother was indicted yesterday on charges of grand theft.

49. Current research on AIDS, in spite of the best efforts of hundreds of scientists, leave serious questions unanswered.

50. Everyone have to plan a program that fits into the day’s schedule and that allows for good exercise and appropriate rest.



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