Đề thi thử số 2 Tiếng Anh dành cho Luyện thi THPT năm 2020 - Dương Thị Hương (Kèm đáp án)




Môn: Tiếng Anh

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1.         A. century                     B. culture                      C. secure                       D. applicant

Question 2.         A. young                       B. plough                      C. couple                      D. cousin


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3.         A. oceanic                     B. advantageous           C. compulsory              D. influential

Question 4.         A. inflation                    B. maximum                 C. applicant                  D. character


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5. Without your help, I __________ the technical problem with my computer the other day.

   A. wouldn’t solve                                                       B. couldn’t have solved

   C. could solve                                                             D. can’s solve

Question 6. The doctor has advised __________less coffee.

   A. me drink                       B. me to drink                   C. me drinking                  D. I will drink

Question 7. There are several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one. Television is __________

   A. another                         B. other                             C. the another                   D. the other

Question 8. I feel a little __________today.

   A. out of the blue                                                        B. out of order

   C. under the weather                                                  D. under the impression

Question 9. They tell me about the film __________on TV last week.

   A. when they watched                                                B. which they watched it

   C. which they watched                                               D. whom they watched

Question 10. Be careful with your gun! You __________wound somebody.

   A. must                             B. need to                         C. ought to                        D. may

Question 11. Not only __________the exam but she also got a scholarship.

   A. did she pass                  B. she passed                    C. she has passed              D. has she passed

Question 12. Football is thought __________in the world.

   A. to have played the most popular sport                   B. to be the most popular  sport

   C. to play the most popular sport                               D. to have been the most  popular sport

Question 13. I have lived in this city for so long, so I’ve grown __________to the noise of vehicles.

   A. accustomed                  B. unconscious                  C. familiar                         D. aware

Question 14. Prices are increasing dramatically in big cities. The __________seems to go up every day.

   A. standard of living                                                   B. quality of life

  C. annual income                                                         D. cost of living

Question 15. The government is aiming __________a 40% reduction __________unemployment.

   A. to - of                           B. at - in                            C. on - in                           D. for - of

Question 16. If we didn’t __________ any measures to protect pandas, they would become extinct.

   A. use                                B. make                             C. take                              D. do

Question 17. They will be staying here for __________ few weeks.

   A. other                             B. another                         C. others                           D. the others

Question 18. Tom never stays in one place for long. He always gets __________ feet and sets off on his travels again.

   A. chilly                            B. itchy                             C. dusty                            D. shaky


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19. The sales clerk was totally bewildered by the customer’s behavior.

   A. disgusted                      B. puzzled                         C. angry                            D.           upset

Question 20. I knew she was only flattering me because she wanted to borrow some money.

   A. teasing                          B. threatening                   C. praising                         D. helping


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 21. Sally has just won a full scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in the world; she must be on cloud nine now.

   A. extremely panicked                                                B. obviously delighted

   C. incredibly optimistic                                              D. desperately sad

Question 22. The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.

   A. busy                              B. comfortable                  C. free                               D. relaxed


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 23. Tom is in Ho Chi Minh city and asks a passer-by the way to the railway station.

  • Tom: “Can you show me the way to the railway station, please?”

Passer-by: “ ________________”

   A. No way.                                                                 B. Just round the comer over there.

   C. Look it up in a dictionary!                                     D. There’s no traffic near here.

Question 24. The teacher is talking to John.

  • Teacher: “John, you’ve written a much better essay this time.”

John: “____________________”

   A. Writing? Why?                                                       B. Thank you. It’s really encouraging.

   C. You’re welcome.                                                    D. What did you say? I’m so shy.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 25 to 29.

After winter months, the days become longer, the buds (25) __________ in the trees, birds sing, and the world (26) __________ a green dress. Spring passes (27) __________ summer. Everyone knows that summer will not (28) __________ . The power of all the wisest men and women in the world cannot keep it for us. The com becomes ripe, the leaves turn brown and then drop to the ground, (29) __________ the world changes its green dress for a dress of autumn colors.

Question 25.       A. fall off                      B. take up                     C. put off                      D. come out

Question 26.       A. looks after                B. puts on                     C. carries on                  D. deals with

Question 27.       A. into                           B. by                             C. from                         D. on

Question 28.       A. forego                       B. evaluate                    C. succumb                   D. last

Question 29.       A. yet                            B. therefore                   C. whereas                    D. and


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 30 to 34.

A recent survey of crime statistics shows that we are all more likely to be burgled now than 20 years ago and the police advise everyone to take a few simple precautions to protect their homes.

The first fact is that burglars and other intruders prefer easy opportunities, like a house which is very obviously empty. This is much less of a challenge than an occupied house, and one which is well-protected. A burglar will wonder if it is worth the bother.

There are some general tips on how to avoid your home becoming another crime statistic. Avoid leaving signs that your house is empty. When you have to go out, leave at least one light on as well as a radio or television, and do not leave any curtains wide open. The sight of your latest music centre or computer is enough to tempt any burglar.

Never leave a spare key in a convenient hiding place. The first place a burglar will look is under the doormat or in a flower pot and even somewhere more 'imaginative' could soon be uncovered by the intruder. It is much safer to leave a key with a neighbour you can trust. But if your house is in a quiet, desolate area be aware that this will be a burglar's dream, so deter any potential criminal from approaching your house by fitting security lights to the outside of your house.

But what could happen if, in spite of the aforementioned precautions, a burglar or intruder has decided to target your home. Windows are usually the first point of entry for many intruders. Downstairs windows provide easy access while upstairs windows can be reached with a ladder or by climbing up the drainpipe. Before going to bed you should double-check that all windows and shutters are locked. No matter how small your windows may be, it is surprising what a narrow gap a determined burglar can manage to get through. For extra security, fit window locks to the inside of the window.

What about entry via doors? Your back door and patio doors, which are easily forced open, should have top quality security locks fitted. Even though this is expensive it will be money well spent. Install a burglar alarm if you can afford it as another line of defence against intruders.

A sobering fact is that not all intruders have to break and enter into a property. Why go to the trouble of breaking in if you can just knock and be invited in? Beware of bogus officials or workmen and, particularly if you are elderly, fit a chain and an eye hole so you can scrutinise callers at your leisure. When you do have callers never let anybody into your home unless you are absolutely sure they are genuine. Ask to see an identity card, for example.

If you are in the frightening position of waking in the middle of the night and think you can hear an intruder, then on no account should you approach the intruder. It is far better to telephone the police and wait for help.

Question 30. According to the writer, we should __________

   A. avoid leaving our house empty.

   B. only go out when we have to.

   C. always keep the curtains closed.

   D. give the impression that our house is occupied when we go out.

Question 31. The writer thinks that hiding a key under a doormat or flower pot __________

   A. is predictable.                                                         B. is useful.

   C. is imaginative.r                                                       D. is where you always find a spare key.

Question 32. What word best replaces “desolate” in paragraph 4?

   A. isolated                         B. populous                       C. dissatisfying                 D. depressing

Question 33. Gaining entry to a house through a small window __________

   A. is surprisingly difficult.

   B. is not as difficult as people think.

   C. is less likely to happen than gaining entry through a door.

   D. is tried only by very determined burglars.

Question 34. The writer argues that fitting a chain and an eye hole__________

   A. will prevent your home being burgled.

   B. avoids you having to invite people into your home.

   C. is only necessary for elderly people.

   D. gives you time to check if the visitor is genuine.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the

correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

It is said that George Washington was one of the first to realize how important the building of canals would be to the nation’s development. In fact, before he became president, he headed the first company in the United States to build a canal that was to connect the Ohio and Potomac Rivers. It was never completed, but it showed the nation the feasibility of canals. As the country expanded westward, settlers in western New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio needed a means to ship goods. Canals linking natural waterways seemed to offer an effective solution

In 1791, engineers commissioned by the state of New York investigated the possibility of a canal between Albany on the Hudson River and Buffalo on Lake Erie, which would link the Great Lakes area with the Atlantic seacoast. It would avoid the mountains that served as a barrier to canals form the Delaware and Potomac rivers

The first attempt to dig the canal, to be called the Erie Canal, was made by private companies but only a (comparatively) small portion was built before the project was halted for lack of funds. The cost of the project was an estimated five million dollars, an enormous amount for those days. That was some (on-again, off-again) federal funding, but the War of 1812 put an end to this. In 1817, DeWitt Clinton was elected governor of New York and persuaded the state to finance and build the Canal. It was completed in 1825, costing two million dollars more than expected

The canal rapidly lived up to its sponsor’s faith, quickly paying for itself through tolls. It was fat more economical than any other form of transportation at the time. It permitted trade between the Great Lake region and East Coast, robbing the Mississippi River of much of its traffic. It allowed New York to supplant Boston, Philadelphia, and other eastern cities as the chief center of both domestic and foreign commerce. Cities sprang up along the Canal. It also contributed in a number of ways to the North’s victory over the South in the Civil War

An expansion of the canal was planned in 1849. Increased traffic would undoubtedly have warranted its construction had it not been for the development of the railroads

Question 35. The word “feasibility” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______________.

   A. possibility                     B. capability                      C. difficulty                      D. profitability

Question 36. According to the passage, the Eric Canal connected the ______________.

   A. Delaware and Potomac Rivers                               B. Hudson River and Lake Eric

   C. Atlantic Ocean and the Hudson River                  D. Potomac and Ohio Rivers

Question 37. The completion of the Eric Canal was financed by _____________.

   A. private company                                                     B. DeWitt Clinton

   C. the federal government                                                                                    D. New York

Question 38. The actual cost of building the Eric Canal was ___________.

   A. $5 million                                                               B. less than had been expected

   C. $7 million                                                               D. more than could be repaid

Question 39. The word tollsin paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

   A. rants                             B. fees                               C. links                              D. jobs

Question 40. Which of the following is NOT given as an effect of the building of the Eric Canal in paragraph 4?

   A. It took water traffic away from the Mississippi River.

   B. It established Boston and Philadelphia as the most important centers of trade.

   C. It helped determine the outcome of the Civil War.

   D. It allowed the East coast to trade with the Great Lake Sea.

Question 41. What can be inferred about railroads in 1849 from the information in the last paragraph?

   A. They were being planned but had not been built.

   B. They were seriously underdeveloped.

   C. They had begun to compete with the Eric Canal for traffic.

   D. They were weakened by the expansion of the canal.

Question 42. The word warrantedin paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ______________

   A. hastened                       B. guaranteed                    C. justified                        D. prevented


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 43. There are twenty species of wild roses in North America, all of which have  prickly stems, pinnate leaves, and large flowers,  which usually smell sweetly.

   A. are                                B. prickly                          C. which                           D. sweetly

Question 44. I didn’t feel like to go to church this morning because it was raining hard.

   A. didn’t                           B. to go                             C. to church                      D. hard

Question 45. The science of medicine, which progress has been very rapid lately, is perhaps the most important of all sciences

   A. The science                   B. which                            C. very rapid                     D. all sciences


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 46. If I hadn’t had so much work to do I would have gone to the movies.

   A. Because I had to do so much work I couldn’t go to the movies.

   B. I would go to the movies when I had done so much work.

   C. A lot of work couldn’t prevent me from going to the movies.

   D. I never go to the movies if I have work to do.

Question 47. There were so many people on the bus that Sally couldn’t get a seat.

   A. The bus was too crowded for Sally not to get a seat.

   B. The bus was so crowded that there was nowhere for Sally to sit.

   C. So crowded the bus was that Sally couldn’t get a seat.

   D. The crowded bus did not prevent Sally from getting a seat.

Question 48. Although he was very tired, he agreed to help me with my homework.

   A. Tired as he was, he agreed to help me with my homework.

   B. Despite being very tired, but he agreed to help me with my homework.

   C. Tired though he was, but he agreed to help me with my homework.

   D. As tired as was he, he agreed to help me with my homework.


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 49. You don’t try to work hard. You will fail in the exam.

   A. Unless you don’t try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.

   B. Unless you try to work hard, you won’t fail in the exam.

   C. Unless you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.

   D. Unless do you try to work hard, you will fail in the exam.

Question 50. Wind a scarf around your neck. You will get cold.

   A. You will not get cold unless you wind a scarf around your neck.

   B. Wind a scarf around your neck, otherwise you will get cold.

   C. If you wind a scarf around your neck, you will get cold.

   D. You not only wind a scarf around your neck but also get cold.

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